Sakshi Dhoni was holidaying in Shimla for a while and now the trip is over. However, there is something Sakshi is worried about, it looks like her concern is being flown in air by two pilots who are married to each other. Sakshi’s latest posts is a video of the pilot-couple talking to each other. The caption on the video reads “Husband wife flying us! I hope they don’t fight midair… Wife is the captain for the day”
#ShakshiDhoni #MSDhoni #Ziva
साक्षी धोनी ने शेयर किया मज़ेदार विडियो, लेकिन चिंता भी जताई | इस वीडियो को पोस्ट करते हुए साक्षी ने चिंता भी जाहिर की है. दरअसल, साक्षी की चिंता यह है कि इस प्लेन को पति-पत्नी मिलकर उड़ा रहे हैं. कहीं बीच रास्ते में ये दोनों झगड़ा ना करने लगें |